Bible Text: John 5-41:47 | Speaker: Jerry Mawhorr | Jerry Explans The Difference Between Honouring GOD Rather Then Man;
Bible Text: Eph, 5:25-29 An 1 Peter 3 | Speaker: Dennis & Naomi Zook | Dennis an Noami share how the Lord did a work in there Marriage, Dennis share`s…
Bible Text: Eph, 5:25-31 | Speaker: Elson Miller | Elson Encourage`s the Men to rise up an be MEN OF GOD An LEAD Out.
Bible Text: Eph,s 5:21-23 | Speaker: Elson Miller | Elson Explans How Important It Is For Women To Submit To Under There Husband.
Bible Text: John 5,30:38 | Speaker: Jerry Mowharr | Jerry Explans How Bias an Prejudice in our Heart is not Good. An if we dont have Two or Three wednesses…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1-18:20 | Speaker: John Lengacher | John Explans How The Blood Cleanses Us, An Must Be Applied Inorder To Enter Into The KINGDOM Of God.
Bible Text: John 5-25:29 | Speaker: Jerry Mowharr | Jerry Explans the resurrection of Dead an of the living.
Bible Text: John 5:21-24 | Speaker: Jerry Mowharr | Jerry Explans How Father Son an Holy Sprit are one, You can not believe in only one of them.
Bible Text: Eph. 5:21-25 | Speaker: Elson Miller | Elson Explanes How Important it is To Submitt One To Another,