True Holiness

April 7, 2019
Bible Text: psalm 139 | Speaker: David Wharton | David Explans, How we need to be in Participation with the Holy Spirit,

The True Bread

March 24, 2019
Bible Text: John 6,1-14 | Speaker: Jerry Mawhorr | Jerry Explans How  The Lord is Looking For Labours Giving out The True Bread,

A Godly Marriage

March 17, 2019
Bible Text: Eph,5,31-33 | Speaker: Elson Miller | Elson Explans How We Neat To Be Married To Christ Before Being Married To Our Spouse.

True Christianity

March 10, 2019
Bible Text: John 5-41:47 | Speaker: Jerry Mawhorr | Jerry Explans The Difference Between Honouring GOD Rather Then Man;

Two or Three Witnesses.

February 17, 2019
Bible Text: John 5,30:38 | Speaker: Jerry Mowharr | Jerry Explans How Bias an Prejudice in our Heart is not Good. An if we dont have Two or Three wednesses…

The Blood Of Jesus Christ

February 10, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1-18:20 | Speaker: John Lengacher | John Explans How The Blood Cleanses Us, An Must Be Applied Inorder To Enter Into The KINGDOM Of God.